In this episode, I talk a little more about my feelings on this project I’ve been working on and discussing in previous episodes, and how a lack of a clear leader on a project and many sets of cooks in the kitchen can contribute to eventual burnout.
Sit back, relax, and unwind.
In this episode, I talk a little more about my feelings on this project I’ve been working on and discussing in previous episodes, and how a lack of a clear leader on a project and many sets of cooks in the kitchen can contribute to eventual burnout.
Everything has to start somewhere, and the opportunity to explore new thoughts and ideas never goes out of style. This new podcast seeks to explore some of those ideas in detail, as well as sharing (hopefully) relatable stories grounded in everyday life.
I’m looking forward to seeing how this goes, and I’m always open to feedback. Thank you very much for listening, and subscribe for more coming soon!
Check out the new ThoughtGrapes.com, the Thought Grapes YouTube channel here (and subscribe for all the new stuff coming soon), and listen to the podcast at UnwindMedia.com/SeedsOfThought.
At the end of this post, you will find a very short form that you can fill out to let us know about your idea for a piece of media, if you’d rather have us contact you rather than reaching out via email or Twitter.
Here are just a handful of possible types of media (shows, stories, concepts, etc.) that could be possible:
We are open to ideas for one-off projects, occasional pieces, or daily/weekly/monthly episodic content (see the original post here). We see this as an opportunity to support potentially under-represented voices, and to get projects off the ground that otherwise wouldn’t go anywhere.
Please, if you or anybody you know might be interested in discussing possible opportunities, please let them know to contact us at [email protected], @UnwindMedia on Twitter, or fill out the form below: