Future Chat 154 – We’re With Celebrities (FC #154 Bonus Live Interview Audio from TasteTECH)

Future Chat
Future Chat
Future Chat 154 - We're With Celebrities (FC #154 Bonus Live Interview Audio from TasteTECH)

Senior Correspondent Nick and Correspondent-in-Training Mike attend the June 6, 2018 Genome Alberta TasteTECH event at The Tastemarket by SAIT in Calgary. Experts from a number of local food and food-adjacent industries are interviewed as an excuse to drink beer and indulge in some genetically-modified delicacies from around Alberta.


Future Chat is a part of the Alberta Podcast Network, powered by ATB.

This episode sponsored by:

ATB | ATB – Transforming the in-branch experience
Alberta Podcast Network | Alberta Podcast Network Survey

Future Chat 154 – The Gross Great Lake

Future Chat
Future Chat
Future Chat 154 - The Gross Great Lake

Nick and Mike (along with a special appearance by Rob) discuss the Genome Alberta TasteTECH event during a live recording at the June 7, 2018 APN Podcasts Connect event (a part of the Inventures conference in Calgary). Cold brews, salmon farming, and Arctic Apples are just a few of the many wonders of gene modification technology that are explored.


A huge thanks to Media Lab YYC for their on-site recording of this live event!

Future Chat is a part of the Alberta Podcast Network, powered by ATB.

This episode sponsored by:

ATB | ATB – Transforming the in-branch experience
Alberta Podcast Network | Alberta Podcast Network Survey