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On the show this week, Rob talks about space, Nick learns a little bit more about CRISPR, and Mike catches us up on the latest in mobile news.
By the way, we’re on a brief hiatus for the next three weeks, so we’ll see you again around Feb 21st (just in time for Mobile World Congress; sorry Nick!).
This episode of Future Chat is brought to you in part by Audible.com. Visit audibletrial.com/unwind today and get a free audiobook and free 30-day trial, and help support the show.
- S Pen Fixed
- Picture of S Pen fix w/ a potato
- Carriers implementing small cell towers
- Hyperloop breaks ground
- Netflix begins blocking proxy users
- Bell and CRTC square off
- SpaceX almost made it
- The star that isn’t surrounded by aliens isn’t surrounded by comets either
- CRISPR on Wikipedia
- More about CRISPR
- This American Life on CRISPR
- New planet predicted
- NASA press release on new planet
- New Mersenne Prime
- Interview with Dr. Cooper about new prime
- Explanation of prime discovery
- Ford SmartDeviceLink
- Ford debuts Fordpay
- Relevant XKCD – Standards
- Brightest supernova ever seen
You can also WATCH the chat if that’s your thing!