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Today, to celebrate the 10th episode, I’m going to get a little more personal with some of my backstory, how I got interested in technology, and how I moved around at NSERC until I got to where I am.
Sit back, relax, and unwind.
Today, to celebrate the 10th episode, I’m going to get a little more personal with some of my backstory, how I got interested in technology, and how I moved around at NSERC until I got to where I am.
Today’s episode falls on a vacation day for me, so I’ll be talking a little about work/life balance, why I don’t really take vacations, and what does pull me away from work.
Today, I follow up on yesterday’s spoilers episode, citing examples of ways TV and movies can change even after you’ve seen them, and the way sky-high expectations can ruin perfectly good media.