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The show this week is all about Rob’s frustration with cable/internet packages, more ways cities are going green, and good reasons kids should be learning to code.
Go and check out the Withings Aura, a way to help you get to sleep and wake up more easily, as well as to track your sleeping patterns.
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- Netflix ‘trying’ to stop proxy users
- Crave TV available to all
- Tantalizing new particle at CERN
- Feedback: The Music – Volume 1
- Cable companies must offer pick-and-pay for cable channels
- Portland’s hydro-electric solution
- Google’s big new Canadian office
- Singing Banana – James Grime on YouTube
- Standup Maths – Matt Parker on YouTube
- Numberphile on YouTube
- F.lux’s letter to Apple
- Go and check out the Withings Aura
You can also WATCH the chat if that’s your thing!