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This week, the latest Falcon 9 launch is unsuccessful, Rob talks all about his week on Soylent, and we revisit mobile phone corner. We also try a moment of silence on a podcast, so the episode isn’t over.
If you like the new, more compact format of the show, please do let us know (even though it didn’t end up so compact this week [we love you Falcon 9]).
- Video of last Falcon 9 Failed Landing
- Falcon 9 Failure
- Repairing Wings Mid-Flight
- Arrested Development – Bees
- Canadian Brain Drain
- Soylent
- Soylent Nutritional FAQ
- US TV Networks Unbundling Canadian Cable
- Growing Your Own Yeast
- Mobilicity Bought By Rogers
- New Internet Package In Manitoba
- Song About Winnipeg?
- CRTC Taking Comments On Net Neurality
- Crazy Chocolate Cake Study
- New Guidelines for Science from Science
- New RF Oven Concept
- No More California Vaccine Exemption
- NASA Funding Aerospace Research
- Pluto’s Got a Bright Spot Too
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