Ottawhat 76 – Immersive Films (Stephen McReynolds & Jared Galley)

Ottawhat 76 - Immersive Films (Stephen McReynolds & Jared Galley)
The guys sit down with Stephen and Jared from Immersive Films to discuss some of their latest projects. Find out why they’re headed to LA soon, how they met Henry Burris, and their tiny connection to Jennifer Lawrence.

Editor’s Note: Leave a comment if you think we should stop doing Reddit Rabble. Or if you want it to stay.

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Saunders Farm Hires 32 Ex-Cons to Ensure Scares this Halloween

At the end of October, a variety of Ottawa businesses will compete to see who can scare their visitors the most. Saunders Farm has traditionally ranked very high on the list of frightening festivities, with attractions such as costumed monsters and a haunted hayride. Scare stats dipped last year, however, thanks to the growing popularity of escape rooms and other spooky destinations. This year, Saunders Farm is looking to bounce back in a big way.

“We are proud to announce that we will be taking advantage of the government’s Work-Release program this Halloween, employing over 30 seasonal employees from the penitentiary system” announced Jack O’Leary, Saunders Farm’s Community Outreach Officer, “These men and women will take tickets, operate rides, and act as guides through the farm. We hope that these additions add a new level of danger and excitement for our guests”.

Free Dental Clinic Still Not Enough to Entice People to Go to Dentist

While people often lament the physical pain associated with going to the dentist, the financial pain can also be a severe barrier to many. Pro Bono Dental is a group of dentists who have come together to ensure that everyone in Ottawa can have clean teeth. Despite this noble effort, they are facing one serious problem: no one is showing up.

“It’s mind-boggling” says Dr. Harrold Mince, who founded the clinic last year. “We are offering free dental care, and we can’t seem to attract clients. We run ad campaigns, we tweet, we even tried going through the phonebook and calling individuals, but nothing seems to work. It would appear that people have an extreme aversion to going to the dentist.”

Dr. Mince and his colleagues are certainly discouraged, but remain hopeful that public opinion will change, either on its own or with a little help from Pro Bono Dental. “We are currently tossing around a few promotional ideas. So far the front-runner is Sugar Mountain gift cards. I know, I know, but we need to find a way to get people in here. Hopefully, incentives like this will be enough to sweeten the deal.”