Future Chat 141 – Completely Sober

Future Chat
Future Chat
Future Chat 141 - Completely Sober

Our intrepid trio don’t quite reach critical Musk this week, instead spending the week talking about the ethics of drone warfare, Telus’ new Android TV service, and the next few months of Pokemon Go.

This episode of Future Chat is brought to you in part by Audible.com. Visit audibletrial.com/unwind today and get a free audiobook and free 30-day trial, and help support the show.


If you’d rather WATCH the show, you can find that link here.

Future Chat 139 – Stuff of Internet

Future Chat
Future Chat
Future Chat 139 - Stuff of Internet

The Canadian Conservatives have a new leader (with an interesting voting system)! Rob discovers (Columbuses?) OneNote! IFTTT opens its ‘Maker’ program to everyone!

This episode of Future Chat is brought to you in part by Audible.com. Visit audibletrial.com/unwind today and get a free audiobook and free 30-day trial, and help support the show.


If you’d rather WATCH the show, you can find that link here.

Desktop 5 – I’ve Got My Gold Hidden Underground

Desktop 5 - I've Got My Gold Hidden Underground

Rob returns to the show, and our intrepid duo talks about making friends on the internet, bringing online activism into the real world, and some real talk about political and civil values, and trying to figure out what’s happening to democracy.


You can check out the episode on YouTube too, if that’s your thing.