Future Chat 107 – Bulbasaur Is The Worst

Future Chat
Future Chat
Future Chat 107 - Bulbasaur Is The Worst

Rob and Mike play Pokemon Go, before talking about new home internet from Virgin, and new plans from Fido. It was a big week.

This episode of Future Chat is brought to you in part by Audible.com. Visit audibletrial.com/unwind today and get a free audiobook and free 30-day trial, and help support the show.


You can also WATCH the chat if that’s your thing!

Future Chat 106 – If I Lick You

Future Chat
Future Chat
Future Chat 106 - If I Lick You

This time around, the boys discuss Chill Telecom (and how it will go badly), pollution and climate change, and the first fatal Tesla crash.

You can also WATCH the chat if that’s your thing!

Future Chat 105 – Not Skilled in Potatoes Yet

Future Chat
Future Chat
Future Chat 105 - Not Skilled in Potatoes Yet

This week, the boys talk a little Brexit, before discussing the future of Soylent, applying to become astronauts, and coffee cancer cures.

This episode of Future Chat is brought to you in part by Audible.com. Visit audibletrial.com/unwind today and get a free audiobook and free 30-day trial, and help support the show.


You can also WATCH the chat if that’s your thing!