Future Chat: Science 6 – Climate Change

Future Chat
Future Chat
Future Chat: Science 6 - Climate Change

We talked this week about causes of climate change, ways to get carbon out of our atmosphere and why throwing nuclear waste into a volcano might make a better action movie supervillain scheme than climate change solution! Hope you like it.

If you want to know more about carbon sequestration, or the IPCC, Wikipedia has a ton more information than we could cover!

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Check out the next episode of Future Tech Chat, live on YouTube next Saturday at 12:30 PM Eastern.

Future Chat: Tech 20 – Music

Future Chat
Future Chat
Future Chat: Tech 20 - Music

This week on Future Chat featured a special guest musician, the great +Damien Broomes! He’s a member of +Sons of Pluto, and we discussed some of his experiences with live shows and technology triumphs and malfunctions. We also talked about streaming music vs. downloading or buying CDs, the resurgence of vinyl records, and how concerts have evolved over the years as music technology improves. We also touched on the music piracy discussion from the point of view of a young artist trying to break into the music industry.

There’s a lot of technology that goes into the music we all love, and I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as we did!

You can learn more about Damien and Sons of Pluto at http://sonsofpluto.com.

Check out the next episode of Future Sci Chat, live on YouTube next Saturday at 12:30 PM Eastern.

Future Chat: Science 5 – Space

Future Chat
Future Chat
Future Chat: Science 5 - Space

We talked this week about space exploration, the search for exoplanets, new civilian rocket technology, and many other topics! Hope you like it.

If you want to know more about Dyson Spheres, the Drake Equation and the Mars Project, Wikipedia has a ton more information than we could cover!


Check out the next episode of Future Tech Chat, live on YouTube next Saturday at 12:30 PM Eastern.