Future Chat: Science 7 – Public Funding for Science

Future Chat
Future Chat
Future Chat: Science 7 - Public Funding for Science

In the most important episode we’ve tackled so far on Future Sci Chat, we talked about the changes in North American political policy with regards to public and governmental funding of scientific research. This topic is very important to all of us as scientists, but it’s also important to the public in general, and it is important to be informed about just how this can affect you.

If you want to learn more, which you should, here are some links:

Check out the next episode of Future Tech Chat, live on YouTube next Saturday at 12:30 PM Eastern. We’ll be discussing gadgets, it will be a really fun episode!

Ottawhat 15 – Damien Broomes

Ottawhat 15 - Damien Broomes
After weeks of anticipation, our very good friend Damien stopped by. Damien is a gifted musician/singer who works at a non-profit organization called Micronutrient Initiative. We talked about how he juggles his commitments between work, playing in a band, watching TV, being a youth leader for Eastern Canada, and spending time with his sweet girlfriend Becca Hrab.

Listen to this week’s episode to find out why he waited so long to come on the podcast.

Damien’s Twitter – @BroomesDamien
+Damien Broomes
Sons of Pluto
Micronutrient Initiative


Categorized as Ottawhat

Future Chat: Tech 21 – Bicycles

Future Chat
Future Chat
Future Chat: Tech 21 - Bicycles

In this episode, we talked about bicycles, making it seem like our episode is sponsored by Trek bikes, which it is not. We chatted all about materials used to make bikes, interesting designs, and how the city of the future will incorporate bicycles much better. Enjoy the episode!


Check out the next episode of Future Sci Chat, live on YouTube next Saturday at 12:30 PM Eastern. We’ll be discussing government funding of science, it should be a VERY interesting episode.