Future Chat: Science 8 – Nutrition

Future Chat
Future Chat
Future Chat: Science 8 - Nutrition

This week on Future Chat, we had a very special guest, +Anna On, join us. She’s a food scientist, and together we broke down some common food and nutrition-based misconceptions. Enjoy the episode!

While you’re at it, check out this video I made this week about how much salt and sugar can hide itself in your food and drink without you knowing:

You can also check out the next episode of Future Tech Chat, live on YouTube next Saturday at 12:30 PM Eastern.

Categorized as Future Chat

Ottawhat 17 – Kim Scott (Ottawa Renewable Energy Coop)

Ottawhat 17 - Kim Scott (Ottawa Renewable Energy Coop)
This week on Ottawhat?, we sat down with Kim Scott, who is a board member of the Ottawa Renewable Energy Cooperative (OREC). We had a very informative chat about the societal and financial benefits of solar energy, ways you can reduce your carbon footprint, and the all the best spots to get out and enjoy nature around our great city.

OREC are preparing for their third share offering, if you’re interested in finding out more about the co-op, be sure to visit their website to learn how to get involved.

Northumberland Ale – Church Key Brewing
Ottawa Renewable Energy Coop – http://ottawarenewableenergycoop.com/
Ecology Ottawa – http://ecologyottawa.ca/
Kim’s Twitter – @solarandapples
OREC Twitter – @ORECoop


Categorized as Ottawhat

Seeds of Thought 0.1 – Fake It (with Keegan and Amaan)

Seeds of Thought
Seeds of Thought
Seeds of Thought 0.1 - Fake It (with Keegan and Amaan)

On this inaugural episode of Fake It, I chatted with Amaan and Keegan (my wonderful co-hosts from Ottawhat?) about what success means to us as pretty much adults, and about what TV gets them excited. Pumped about this new show!

Let me know what you think in a comment below, on Twitter @RobAttrell, or wherever you see this posted. I will have podcast subscription links soon for those interested. If you’d like to be on the show (as I know at least a few of you will, feel free to let me know that too!)